Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sharing a Scandalous Love Story ♥

Let me introduce a good friend of mine I've met in blog life. Jenn has the cutest dogs and that's where our friendship started. Her husband gave her permission to share their love story, but there's a catch.. he wanted to tell his side too! So we have yet again a fabulous story about how boy meets girl and I think you'll really enjoy it. There's always two sides to every story and we get to read both! Be sure to visit Jenn and spread the love ♥

Ok, where to start. 8 years ago I was seeing (lets call him) Mr. X who told me I had to pass the "Marc test". I was somewhat dumbfounded as I had no idea what that meant.  Well it turns out that Marc was his best friend, and if the best friend liked me I would pass the test. Weird I know. I was in the midst of a nasty divorce and didn't want anything serious with anyone so I said bring it on. If he didn't like me, screw it I didn't care.

I met Marc a few weeks later and we hit it off. The three of us hung out all weekend and I have to tell you that we clicked. So much so that Marc jokingly proposed to me the first night we met.  I passed the Marc test but things ended with Mr X shortly there after. Since Marc and I clicked so well we kept in touch through Instant Message and e-mail every few months. We lived in two separate states.

Marc: I really wanted more, but the situation was odd. She lived in a different state, she had just dated one of my closest friends, she was going through a divorce, all led to me not pursuing something more.
We flirted over IM and the occasional phone call, and it was fun, but we eventually lost contact. A couple years later, we started talking again. I really wanted to pursue things more. I made a trip to visit friends, and made sure to set asside time for Jenn and I to go out. She never showed. Still not sure what happened, but we just didn't connect. I was devastated. We still talked for a few weeks, but I was so devastated, I kinda stopped pursuing.

Fast forward about 4 years....

Jenn: I was then engaged and living with (lets call him) Mr. Evil.  We had bought a house together and the relationship became abusive. I knew I wanted out but I had know idea how to or where I would go. I was seeking help and the one person who was always there was Marc. At this point we had only talked through email and IM.  We hadn't seen each other for over 4 years but there had always been that spark and the spot for him in the back of my mind.  I know it was the wrong thing to do but I told Marc that I wanted to meet him. We flirted over email and all I wanted to do was escape the relationship I was in. We made plans for me to visit him in Mn where he lived. Once the plans were made was when I finally told him I was engaged. He was shocked and a bit upset at first, but I think the man inside him didn't care. We had talked off and on for the last 4 years and we both knew there might be something to this relationship.

Marc: Ah, two (or more) sides to every story.
Yep, we started talking again, and things were really going well. It was clear that there was something, and that we couldn't ignore it anymore. We setup a time to meet up, and only then did Jenn tell me that she was in a relationship/engaged! I was floored.
Here was this amazing woman that I had been/should have been pursuing for *years*, and just when things are looking up, she's taken. It took a *lot* of soul searching on my part. Being a man of honor, I couldn't continue things. But, the little devil on my shoulder got the best of me - I decided it was not my moral dilemma, but hers, and that I can't let opportunity pass me by for a third time.

Jenn: I had never been a cheater in any of my relationships, but for some reason I HAD to find out if these feelings we had for several years were warranted. I had to find out if the relationship would be what I had dreamed about in my mind. So I visited Marc and from the first visit, I knew. We saw each other a few times over a three month period and I struggled with the biggest decision of my life. I knew I wanted to leave Mr Evil, but that meant filing bankruptcy. losing my house, car, and leaving a career and the state I called home. So two months before I was suppose to get married I made a leap of faith. I left the abusive Mr. Evil, filed for bankruptcy, moved to another state. All for the love of my soul mate.

Marc and I married 7 1/2 years after we first met. It took many years for us to figure it out but it was fate.  It was in the cards for us to be together. I am lucky for so many reasons.

He is truly my knight in shining armor. He was there for me when I desperately needed someone safe. He was strong when I couldn't be. I have told him this before but I don't think he'll ever know the extent of the statement.  I tell people that he saved my life and I mean it. If Marc and I hadn't met again, I can say I probably wouldn't be here today! I had found something worth living for.  Marc is my best friend. A person who believes in me when I don't believe in myself. Marc loves me for who I am and accepts my faults with a smile.

Marc: She gives me too much credit. All I did was support the woman I love, in the only way I know how.
Never in my life did I think I would find someone that I could be so comfortable with. My favorite thing to do with Jenn is to just lay in bed and talk - real talking, not just idle conversation. Sharing each other's lives in a way that only partners can do. She has made me a much better man, and given me a peace and happiness I never thought I would find.

Jenn: I know my love story is complicated and scandalous. It's painful yet perfect.  Marc is the 1 person on this earth who gets me. And that makes everything worth it!

You can visit Jenn at:

All Love Stories will be archived here. We would love to read your story so if you would like to share please visit for details ♥: