Friday, February 4, 2011

Sharing a Love Story ♥

Please take some time to welcome Danielle and embrace her Love Story that she has shared with all of us. Thank you so much Danielle, you are truly a courageous woman. Spread the Love

Danielle: Weber Family Life

Gosh, where do I begin. The basics, my name is Danielle, I am a wife, a mom, a nurse, and a follower of Christ.  I have been blogging since the end of 2005, shortly after I had a miscarriage. 

My love story is a story of the shear emotions that I feel as I have been blessed with two miraculous children here on earth (and one miracle in heaven). My pregnancy with my son Sam was complicated from start to finish, with more problems than hope, and on more than one occasion I was told that the pregnancy was not viable.  Fast forward through surgery (in which they said I would lose the baby), getting kicked in the stomach by a patient while at work, a bruised uterous, severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome and then a premature birth. The first time I held my son I felt as though I was outside of myself.  The feelings were so overwhelming like nothing I had ever experienced before.  Then the fear set in....
He had lots of low heart rates and episodes where he stopped breathing, then we went home.  Once home I just knew that there was something wrong with him but I wasn't sure what that was.  This was another step in the LOVE process for me, it was a fight to get him the care and diagnosis to help him thrive.  We went through all kinds of GI problems. When he was one they diagnosed him with an immune deficiency, and we started every 3-4wk infusions, when he was a year and a half (and when I was pregnant with our next little miracle) they thought that he possibly had leukemia (praise God he didn't).  Shortly after he turned two he started pooping bloody, a whole new level of fear.  We started trying to figure out the cause of the bleeding.  He had a complication while they did a colonoscopy and hemorrhaged.  We then determined he had  a bleeding disorder. This was another blow to our thoughts about WHO our son would be when he grew up, out the window went him being a sports star, out the window went the thoughts of us letting him ride his bike carefree, out the window went the thoughts about sending him to school without fear for him.
But then God changed my heart.  The love that I have for this little boy is ovewhelming.  He brightens my world in so many ways.  He is loving and funny, he is brave and compassionate, he has an attitude of let's just go with the flow. He loves life, he loves people, he loves to laugh, he loves to snuggle, he loves to play, he loves to talk.  And through all of his medical issues, and so much unknown, he has remained a happy smiling child.  He is the sunshine on a cloudy day, he is water when I am thirsty, he is love when I am feeling alone.  His faith in God has reminded me that although this world is full of unknowns, and I don't know what his future holds, that God does and His will is perfect for our lives.
Yes I wish my son didn't have so much pain and struggles, but I wouldn't change him.  I wouldn't change him because this path that we are walking makes us better people.  Loving compassionate people who don't take things for granted.  Who Live, Laugh. (and) Love
My daughter Sophia is another amazing blessing.  She is a healthy feisty little girl, who is silly and girly.  She loves easily and quickly.  She is determined and hard working.  She is so amazing smart and her smile just melts my heart.  She lives in such a happy place, her desire to experience the world is infectious.  Her laugh contagious.  My love for her makes my world better.  I look at her and my heart swells.  I have two children here on earth with me, and they are polar opposites.  But they make me who I am, they fill my life with such love and joy.  They are amazingly beautiful, and I am so thankful that I get to love and appreciate them

Thanks so much for letting me share my story God Bless, Danielle 

You can visit Danielle at:

 All stories will be archived here. We would love to read your story so if you would like to share please visit for details ♥: