Rebecca Whitney: Rub Some Dirt on It
Our Love Story
I used to joke to my college girlfriends that he had ruined me for all other guys; he would always be "the one that got away," the standard that I held anyone else to, and to which no one could live up. He was older and fabulous and so handsome. I still had two years left of undergrad and graduate school in my immediate future. He was living the life in SoCal. He was going to meet a movie star; I just knew it. I was destined to settle for someone less than him, because the odds of us winding up together were slim to none and maintaining any kind of friendship out of the question.
Well, years passed and then fate intervened. Four years later, after breaking up with my college boyfriend, one of my great friends from high school moved to San Diego. Another girlfriend, Molly, was coincidentally dating Jason’s brother, Tom. On a whim I decided to head to San Diego for New Year’s 2003, and, after confirming from Molly that Jason didn’t have a girlfriend, I called him and we met up. I think if there was a love at first sight moment, it might have been that night at The Tavern in Pacific Beach. I remember every second of that night: what we wore, where we first kissed, where we went. It’s such a cliché but it was like all those years didn’t matter and we just picked up where we left off.
We spent a few days together and then planned my next visit in April. During that visit, we planned my eventual move from Connecticut to California in August. Seven months after arriving, we moved in together to a little shabby apartment in Ocean Beach, where we could see the ocean from our bathroom. We lived a romantic and careless lifestyle until we got engaged in 2004, a year and a half to the day that I arrived in San Diego in my car packed with all my belongings, wondering how our love story would turn out.
We are surrounded by family and love and are living our happy ending. I never would have imagined that Jason and I would end up together, but I can’t imagine life with anyone else.
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